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Seafile server data backup and recovery



There are generally two parts of data to backup

  • Seafile library data
  • Databases

If you setup seafile server according to our manual, you should have a directory layout like:

haiwen       # Replace the name with your organization name
  --seafile-server-2.x.x # untar from seafile package
  --seafile-data   # seafile configuration and data (if you choose the default)
  --seahub-data    # seahub data
  --ccnet          # ccnet configuration and data 
  --seahub.db      # sqlite3 database used by seahub
  --seahub_settings.py # optional config file for seahub

All your library data is stored under the ‚haiwen‘ directory.

Seafile also stores some important metadata data in a few databases. The names and locations of these databases depends on which database software you use.

For SQLite, the database files are also under the ‚haiwen‘ directory. The locations are:

  • ccnet/PeerMgr/usermgr.db: contains user information
  • ccnet/GroupMgr/groupmgr.db: contains group information
  • seafile-data/seafile.db: contains library metadata
  • seahub.db: contains tables used by the web front end (seahub)

For MySQL, the databases are created by the administrator, so the names can be different from one deployment to another. There are 3 databases:

  • ccnet-db: contains user and group information
  • seafile-db: contains library metadata
  • seahub.db: contains tables used by the web front end (seahub)

Backup steps

The backup is a three step procedure:

  1. Optional: Stop Seafile server first if you’re using SQLite as database.
  2. Backup the databases;
  3. Backup the seafile data directory;

We assume your seafile data directory is in /data/haiwen. And you want to backup to /backup directory. The /backup can be an NFS or Windows share mount exported by another machine, or just an external disk. You can create a layout similar to the following in /backup directory:

---- databases/  contains database backup files
---- data/  contains backups of the data directory

Backing up Databases

It’s recommended to backup the database to a separate file each time. Don’t overwrite older database backups for at least a week.


Assume your database names are ccnet-db, seafile-db and seahub-db. mysqldump automatically locks the tables so you don’t need to stop Seafile server when backing up MySQL databases. Since the database tables are usually very small, it won’t take long to dump.

mysqldump -h [mysqlhost] -u[username] -p[password] --opt ccnet-db > /backup/databases/ccnet-db.sql.`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`

mysqldump -h [mysqlhost] -u[username] -p[password] --opt seafile-db > /backup/databases/seafile-db.sql.`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`

mysqldump -h [mysqlhost] -u[username] -p[password] --opt seahub-db > /backup/databases/seahub-db.sql.`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`


You need to stop Seafile server first before backing up SQLite database.

sqlite3 /data/haiwen/ccnet/GroupMgr/groupmgr.db .dump > /backup/databases/groupmgr.db.bak.`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`

sqlite3 /data/haiwen/ccnet/PeerMgr/usermgr.db .dump > /backup/databases/usermgr.db.bak.`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`

sqlite3 /data/haiwen/seafile-data/seafile.db .dump > /backup/databases/seafile.db.bak.`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`

sqlite3 /data/haiwen/seahub.db .dump > /backup/databases/seahub.db.bak.`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`

Backing up Seafile library data

The data files are all stored in the /data/haiwen directory, so just back up the whole directory. You can directly copy the whole directory to the backup destination, or you can use rsync to do incremental backup.

To directly copy the whole data directory,

cp -R /data/haiwen /backup/data/haiwen-`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`

This produces a separate copy of the data directory each time. You can delete older backup copies after a new one is completed.

If you have a lot of data, copying the whole data directory would take long. You can use rsync to do incremental backup.

rsync -az /data/haiwen /backup/data

This command backup the data directory to /backup/data/haiwen.

It’s very important to make sure the copy or rsync process finishes successfully. Otherwise some of your latest data may not be backed up.

Important: The ID in ccnet/ccnet.conf must be consistent with the SHA1 value of ccnet/mykey.peer. So do not forget to copy ccnet/mykey.peer.

Restore from backup

Now supposed your primary seafile server is broken, you’re switching to a new machine. Using the backup data to restore your Seafile instance:

  1. Copy /backup/data/haiwen to the new machine. Let’s assume the seafile deployment location new machine is also /data/haiwen.
  2. Restore the database.

Restore the databases

Now with the latest valid database backup files at hand, you can restore them.


mysql -u[username] -p[password] ccnet-db < ccnet-db.sql.2013-10-19-16-00-05
mysql -u[username] -p[password] seafile-db < seafile-db.sql.2013-10-19-16-00-20
mysql -u[username] -p[password] seahub-db.sql.2013-10-19-16-01-05


cd /data/haiwen
mv ccnet/PeerMgr/usermgr.db ccnet/PeerMgr/usermgr.db.old
mv ccnet/GroupMgr/groupmgr.db ccnet/GroupMgr/groupmgr.db.old
mv seafile-data/seafile.db seafile-data/seafile.db.old
mv seahub.db seahub.db.old
sqlite3 ccnet/PeerMgr/usermgr.db < usermgr.db.bak.xxxx
sqlite3 ccnet/GroupMgr/groupmgr.db < groupmgr.db.bak.xxxx
sqlite3 seafile-data/seafile.db < seafile.db.bak.xxxx
sqlite3 seahub.db < seahub.db.bak.xxxx

Seafile – Upgrade Release 2.1.5 auf Release 3.0

Schritt 1 –per sudo -i zum Benutzer root wechseln

Schritt 2 – Den Seafile-Server stoppen

service seafile-server stop

Schritt 3 – zum Benutzer seafile wechseln

su seafile

Schritt 4 – ins Homeverzeichnis wechseln

cd /home/seafile

Schritt 5 – symbolischen Link “seafile-server-latest” löschen

rm seafile-server-latest

Schritt 6 – Seafile 3.0 TAR-Archiv herunterladen

wget https://bitbucket.org/haiwen/seafile/downloads/seafile-server_3.0.0_pi.tar.gz

Schritt 7 – Seafile 3.0 TAR-Archiv entpacken

tar -xvf seafile-server_3.0.0_pi.tar.gz

Schritt 8 – Ins “Upgrade-Verzeichnis” wechseln

cd seafile-server-3.0.0/upgrade/

Schritt 8 – Upgrade von Seafile Version 2.1.x auf Seafile Version 2.2 ausführen


Schritt 9 – Upgrade von Seafile Version 2.2 auf Seafile Version 3.0 ausführen


Schritt 10 – zurück zum Benutzer root wechseln


Schritt 11 – Dienst “seafile-server” wieder starten => fertig

service seafile-server start

Bei Problemen mit dem upload/download via Web-Frontend:

tritt nach dem Update von Seafile Version 2.1.5 auf Seafile 3.0 ein Problem im Seafile Webinterface auf.  Der Fehler besteht darin, dass über das Webinterface keine Daten mehr hoch- und heruntergeladen werden können.

Verursacht wird der Fehler durch eine Konfigurationseinstellung, die in Seafile 2.1.5 noch funktioniert hat, in Version 3 aber wohl nicht mehr.


Schritt 1 – zum Benutzer root wechseln

Schritt 2 – Den Seafile-Server stoppen

service seafile-server stop

Schritt 3 – zum Benutzer seafile wechseln

su seafile

Schritt 4 – ins Verzeichnis /home/seafile/ccnet wechseln

cd /home/seafile/ccnet

Schritt 5 – Die Datei ccnet.conf editieren

nano ccnet.conf

In der Datei folgende Zeile

SERVICE_URL = http://localhost:8000


SERVICE_URL = http://IP-ADRESSE_des_Cubieboard:8000


Schritt 6 – Datei abspeichern und Editor schliessen

zum Speichern: gleichzeitiges Drücken der <strg>-Taste und “O”
zum Schließen des Editors: gleichzeitiges Drücken der <strg>-Taste und “X”

Schritt 7 – zurück zum Benutzer root wechseln


Schritt 8 – Dienst “seafile-server” wieder starten => fertig

service seafile-server start

Jetzt sollte der Down-/Upload von Dateien über das Seafile-Webinterface wieder fehlerfrei funktionieren.